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API Rate Limits

The GraphQL API is rate limited to keep the Jobber platform stable for all apps interacting with it.

There are two rate limiters that Jobber currently has setup: a DDoS protection middleware and a GraphQL query cost calculation.

DDoS Protection Middleware

Jobber's DDoS protection middleware uses Rack::Attack to limit clients to 2500 requests per 5 minutes (2500 requests/300 s). This rate limitation is implemented on a per app/account basis, instead of being based on IP address. In the event that a particular app surpasses this rate limit, any subsequent requests made to that specific Jobber account will receive a "429 Too Many Requests" error.

This rate is typically less restrictive than the GraphQL Query Cost detailed below, so if the limits below are respected, you are less likely to encounter 429 errors.

GraphQL Query Cost Calculation

The API uses a query cost based approach for rate limiting. Every app and account combination will have a maximum amount of points available to it that can be used to make queries. This app/account combination ensures that the rate limit of an app installed on one account will not effect the rate limit of the same app installed on a different account.

Every query will cost a certain amount of points which will be subtracted from the points available to the app/account combination when the query has resolved. Over time, an amount of points will be restored which can be used to make more queries.

The mechanism used to subtract and restore points over time is the leaky bucket algorithm.

If the queries used are reasonably sized, it should be easy to stay within the limits. If you're finding it difficult to stay within these limits, consider introducing a delay between your queries and caching common results. Error handling should also be used as a mechanism to regulate your queries when being throttled.

Response Format

The response will include information about the cost of the query and the throttling status. This information is found under the extensions key:

  "extensions": {
    "cost": {
      "requestedQueryCost": 142,
      "actualQueryCost": 47,
      "throttleStatus": {
        "maximumAvailable": 10000,
        "currentlyAvailable": 9953,
        "restoreRate": 500


This is how much the query was expected to cost. The response may not always contain the exact amount of data that was requested which is why this value can differ from the actualQueryCost. For example, a query might request the first 50 quotes for an account, but an account might have some amount of quotes less than that.

If the requestedQueryCost is above the amount of points in currentlyAvailable, A throttled response will be returned:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Throttled",
      "extensions": {
        "code": "THROTTLED",
        "documentation": ""
  "extensions": {
    "cost": {
      "requestedQueryCost": 10001,
      "actualQueryCost": 0,
      "throttleStatus": {
        "maximumAvailable": 10000,
        "currentlyAvailable": 10000,
        "restoreRate": 500

Use this error response to ensure your query cost is below the maximumAvailable cost and that you're waiting for enough points to be restored to the currentlyAvailable amount.


The amount of points it actually cost to resolve the query. These points will be subtracted from the currentlyAvailable amount.


This is the maximum amount of points that will ever be available to query with. A query with a cost above this value will never resolve.


The amount of points that are currently available to query with. This value will never be larger than maximumAvailable.


The rate at which points will be added to the currentlyAvailable amount every second.

Cost Calculation

All fields have a default value of 1 except for the edges, nodes and node connection fields which have a value of 0. Some fields that are more expensive to resolve may have a value larger than 1, but those will be a rare exception. Utilizing filter or sort arguments will not impact the cost calculation.

As an example, the following query costs 7 points (7 fields in total):

query {
  quote(id: "MTc1") {
    client {

Connection Fields

The cost of connection fields is calculated by taking the supplied first, or last argument and multiplying it by the number of requested fields. For example, the following query costs 50 points (10 nodes each containing 5 fields):

query {
  quotes(first: 10) {
    edges {
      node {

If a first, or last argument is not supplied to a connection field, the API will have to assume the maximum number of fields will be returned when calculating the requestedQueryCost. All connection fields are configured to return a maximum of 100 nodes when no arguments are supplied. So the same query above without the first argument will have a requestedQueryCost of 500 points:

query {
  quotes {
    edges {
      node {

In order to avoid expensive connection queries, you should always try to supply a first, or last argument and paginate if needed. These arguments can also be applied to nested connection types inside of your original query, so it is highly recommended to use them in the case of nested queries to avoid an unnecessarily high query cost.

Avoiding Rate Limits

To avoid being throttled by the API rate limits, it is recommended to utilize pagination to collect data in batches instead of all at once. Jobber’s GraphQL API uses cursor-based pagination based on the Relay framework. A sample query using cursors looks like this:

query ($limit: Int, $cursor: String, $id: EncodedId!) {
  job(id: $id) {
    lineItems(first: $limit, after: $cursor) {
      nodes {
      pageInfo {

Using this approach, you can request a set amount of data at a given time so that you are not loading it all at once. If you do require large amounts of data, a timed delay can be added in between each API call so that your currentlyAvailable points can restore at the restoreRate.

It is recommended to avoid using deeply nested queries whenever possible as the query cost can increase exponentially based on the number of nodes. An example of a deep nested query would be something like this:

query SampleQuery {
  jobs {
    nodes {
      visits {
        nodes {

If visit information from every job is not required, then using the job query instead of the jobs query in the example above would reduce the nested layers of nodes. If nested queries must be used, pagination is always recommended on all connection types as a maximum number of 100 nodes will always be used in the query cost calculation when no arguments are supplied. Utilizing the two strategies above will help to avoid the rate limiter in a majority of situations.